The 4 Best Times to Buy a Car Seat

Buying a car seat feels like a big milestone for expectant parents. It’s the item of baby gear that might require the most research. From a budget standpoint, it’s usually one of the bigger ticket items. And there’s also just something about seeing that car seat installed in your backseat that says “this is really happening!”
Of all the factors considered when buying a new car seat, there’s one that can be easily overlooked: timing. So, when’s the best time to buy a car seat?

When is the Best Time to Buy a Car Seat?
Car seats are one of the most researched purchases for new parents. From safety ratings and ease of installation to features and styles, there are so many things to consider. It sounds obvious, but the best time to buy a car seat is well before you actually need one. This allows plenty of time for research and also budget planning, since a car seat is often one of the more expensive items of baby gear. First time parents may want to research and choose a car seat during the second trimester of pregnancy, so that it can be installed during the third trimester.

Buying a Car Seat While Pregnant
If you plan on registering for baby gifts, it’s a great idea to choose your car seat early so that it can be included. With its higher price tag, car seats make a great gift from grandparents or even a group of friends who go in together. If you plan to purchase the car seat yourself, you want to choose one and have plenty of time for installation before your due date.

Upgrade When Your Car Seat is Close to Expiring
If you plan on reusing a car seat that you already have on hand for a new baby, be sure to check the expiration date of the car seat. The life of a car seat can vary, but most last six to eight years. An expiration date is usually printed on the safety sticker located on the body of the car seat. This is also why buying a used car seat is often not a good idea.

When It’s Time to Go From Infant to a Convertible Car Seat
Infant car seats make a great initial choice because of how portable they are. However, they do come with height and weight limits that you’ll want to keep an eye on so that you can purchase a convertible car seat when the time is right. Most infant car seats have a max weight of around 30 lbs give or take, but the height limit is more likely to be reached first.

During Car Seat Sales
Car seats are often an investment and one of the more expensive items of baby gear. So, it makes sense to watch for—and take advantage of—car seat sales. If the timing allows, purchases made around Black Friday, Prime Day, and other big sales can allow for significant savings. Some states also exempt car seat purchases from sales tax collection, so be sure and check your local guidelines.
When To Install Your Car Seat
Most experts suggest installing your car seat during the third trimester, or by 36 weeks. You can also have your car seat installation checked by a local certified technician—many local fire departments or police stations have someone on staff. Keep in mind that most hospitals will want to check your car seat before you’re allowed to leave post-delivery.
Is 20 weeks too early to buy a car seat?
A car seat is one of the most researched purchases for expectant parents. Your second trimester is a great time to research these purchases, especially if you’re putting together a gift registry.
Is 34 weeks too early to install car seat?
Your last trimester is a great time to install your car seat and have the installation checked by a certified car seat installation expert (check with your local fire department or police station to find an expert in your area).
Does my car seat have to be installed before I can leave the hospital?
Most hospitals require you to bring your infant car seat into the hospital room so they can check the fit for your baby. This is especially true of premature babies or others who spend time in the NICU. They may want to complete important safety checks like the head support of your infant car seat, among other common car seat safety mistakes.
Final Thoughts
Choosing a car seat is a big decision with many factors to consider. Pregnancy is a great time to research and compare options, with a target of having the car seat safely installed during your third trimester. As your child grows or you add to your family, keep in mind height and weight limits and expiration dates, so that you always have the safest car seat ready for your most precious cargo.